Frequently Asked Questions – To help you decide if telemarketing training will transform your business…

Frequently Asked Questions about the effectiveness of telemarketing training and the impact it will have on your new business

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Question 1:

I want to make the calls myself but not sure where to start.

This is music to our ears! We want nothing more than to empower busy business owners to be able to undertake the calls for themselves. Our Telemarketing Training is tailored to suit your company needs.
There is a saying too we love that goes: ‘Never get someone else to do a job if you haven’t tried yourself first’.
It is not as simple as just picking up the phone.
There are processes and tips and tricks to get the best results.
That is what our Power our is designed for. To help people understand the whole process.
Make five calls a week and by the end of a month you have contacted 20 new people and will need to fit in the follow ups. If you have time for more, great!
What difference will that make to your business?

Frequently Asked Question 2:

Why should I use a Telemarketer instead of employing someone?

We would love nothing more than to get your business into a position to employ someone!
Our experience tells us that a proven strategy should be in place to be able to judge how many hours you would need someone to be employed for versus the level of business you need to bring in.
It is a great investment bringing in the expertise to set up the processes and begin finding new customers.
We enjoy working with our clients to guide them through the recruitment process to find the right fit and assist with a training period. We have worked with several clients doing just that.

Frequently Asked Question 3:

Outsourcing telemarketing seems expensive compared to employing someone?

True on the face of it, it would.
However, you will have the knowledge that your campaign is in good hands immediately saving you time recruiting, inducting and not to mention the HR implications.
We take care of the cost of our own equipment, cost of calls and HMRC obligations.
On balance using us will be more cost effective in the long run until you reach a part-time or full-time basis for employment.

Frequently Asked Question 4:

What sort of results can we expect from a telemarketing campaign?

This is a good question and in all honesty is different from campaign to campaign.
What we can tell you is that everything we do is agreed with our clients before we begin.
All activity is measured and assessed for continual improvement.

Frequently Asked Question 5:

When will we start to see results from telemarketing?

Again, a FAQ with no real rule of thumb.
We have set out our T&C’s to a minimum 3-month period to give a short but broad enough period of time to be able to gather statistics.
Even a gut feeling of how the campaign is being received by the target audience can allow for good adjustments to be made.

Frequently Asked Question 6:

Should a report be kept showing the telemarketing activity and results?

Yes, of course. We look to arrange an agreed way of reporting after every period of activity.
This works differently for many clients from an email report to KPI’s. You are in control of the information we report to you.

Frequently Asked Question 7:

How can we use your telemarketing service and comply with GDPR?

2018 was a big investment year for WAG. We are confident that our GDPR policies are in place and are registered with the ICO. Data Protection Laws have always been prominent in our business and with the new GDPR legislation we will continue to follow the recommended guidelines and implement new processes wherever they are needed. Wendy Harris is our DPO and the business ‘Making Conversations Count Ltd’ is registered with the ICO.